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Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Dream for the CWCBR is...

Thanks to all who participated in the workshops this past week - we had some wonderful interactions and got to know some more of the passionate characters who make the West Coast a special place to live, work and visit.

We were fortunate to have many people share with us their dreams for the CWCBR, some of which we have posted below to inspire you. Please share with us your dream, either by adding a comment to this post, or by sending an e-mail to

My Dream for the CWCBR is...

"The CWCBR has a long way to go, but their efforts should start with the people. Much of our ideas fail because we plan for the people but if CWCBR can plan with the people they instantly get participation from the local people who will feel that they own these ideas. Community tourism is the basis."

Liveson Mangumo
West Coast Environmental Cooperative, Atlantis

"To create and maintain a unique people and place experience that is ecologically and economically viable."

Andre Kruger
Saldanha Bay Tourism

"To develop cultural guiding in Paternoster and to open people’s eye’s to the small five (small mammals, flowers, birds, fossils, etc)"

Sonya Crous
The Beach Camp, Paternoster

"To promote the biodiversity of our area through environmental education and tours. Put Atlantis and surroundings back on the map."

Henry Van Heerden
Tour Guide, Atlantis

"To see this WORK as it is a great idea. We have had a lot of talk but I am passionate about this one and would like to see it work."

Antony Teale

"To work together as guesthouses, self-catering and hotels to help with poverty alleviation in this area."

Sandra Oliver, Veldriff

"My droom vir hierdie roete is dat die plaaslike gemeenskap meer “environmental aware” sal maak. "

What is your Dream for the CWCBR?

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